We will have more information pertaining to the specifics of the ’25 season soon, so please check back for more information.
This year, MLL will offer 5 coed divisions from ages 4 to 16 years old:
Tee Ball 4-6
Coach Pitch 7-8
Modified Kid Pitch 9-10
Majors 11-12
Juniors 13-14
Seniors 15-16
If your player is 6 years old (according to the chart below) and you have questions about playing in either the tee ball or coach pitch division because of experience or baseball ability level, please email us. We can discuss options for placing your player in the division that best fits their skill level.
Maumee Little league is a Little League International sanctioned youth baseball organization. We are fortunate to have the best volunteers, facilities and community to play baseball in Northwest Ohio. So join us this season in making memories, playing great baseball and having lots of fun!
Use this chart to identify your player's Little League age:

If you have any questions, please send us a message at [email protected]